
Business history in the online archive

The online platform ZEDHIA brings history into the here and now, providing access to historical Austrian and Central European economic information dating back to 1868.

ZEDHIA is a publicly accessible interactive online archive, enabling a wide range of historical research. The online platform provides digitised, full-text and depth-structured resources on Central European economic history and genealogy.


The publications collected in ZEDHIA run to around 28.543 editions with over 1.3 million pages and also cover the history of Austrian companies virtually seamlessly from 1789 to 2003.

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Your contact person

Christian Benesch

Compass-Verlag GmbH
Schönbrunner Str. 231 | 1120 Vienna
Phone: +43 / 1 / 981 16-127
E-Mail: christian.benesch[at]compass.at
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