Data analysis

Selection and evaluations on demand

Advantages for you

Individual selections
Analyses tailored to your needs
Basis data for evaluations and studies

Completely tailored to your needs

Do you need individual selections for distribution or marketing measures?

Such as female executives in Austria having a milestone birthday; businesses with foreign investments and/or owners abroad; supervisory board members of businesses celebrating an anniversary - to mention only a few examples from practice.

Data for evaluations and studies

Or do you need customised analyses and/or key performance indicators within specific industries or Austrian states for your own studies?

We offer selections and data analyses for all of Austria or for a defined selection of businesses (e.g. your customers, suppliers or competitors). Completely according to your wishes, promptly and individually.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for a consultation meeting.

Your contact person

Katharina Raubek

Compass-Verlag GmbH
Schönbrunner Str. 231 | 1120 Vienna
Phone: +43 / 1 / 981 16-0
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