EASY – Access without registration

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Official excerpts

EASY allows quick inspections of the Business Register, the Land Register and GISA (Trade Information System Austria) of the Republic of Austria. You need no registration and pay for your specific searches safely and conveniently by credit card or e-payment (eps). The official documents are instantly available.

Price list


What is the Business Register?

The Business Register is the official database of the Federal Ministry of Justice pursuant to the Federal Statute BGBl [Federal Law Gazette] No. 10/1991. The Business Register serves the purpose of recording and disclosing facts which must be registered according to business law regulations. A Business Register excerpt contains up-to-date information about the registered office, legal form, the capital of a business, power of Prokura, the managing director(s), shareholder(s)/partner(s) and legal facts, such as transformation, merger, spin-off or articles of association.

What is the Land Register?

The Land Register is a public register kept by the district courts, where all plots of land and rights in rem to the same (e.g. charges, right of residence, participation right) are registered.

The Land Register consists of the A-Sheet (Property Sheet), the B-Sheet (Title Sheet) and the C-Sheet (Charges Sheet), which contains, for example, liens, restrictions on sale and/or encumbrance, servitudes or easements.

In addition, annotations (e.g. annotation of order of priorities) can be used to point out certain facts of legal relevance.

What is GISA?

GISA is a public register of the Republic of Austria. It contains the data of all businesses that have applied for a trade licence. A GISA excerpt contains the following information: trade licence, holder of the trade licence, description of the trade, the location(s) of the trade, the managing director under trade law.

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