Reliable information about Austria's businesses  since 1867


Looking for a job?

Sales Administrator

The sales team is looking for a part-time (20-25 hours per week) sales administrator with an independent and structured way of working. If you are interested in this position, we look forward to receiving your detailed application.

job description


New: Organization charts

With our new organization chart tool in Wirtschafts-Compass, opaque company structures are a thing of the past. The intelligent arrangement of objects, search function, free editing mode, references to insolvencies and much more are now possible!

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Compass Podcast

Lending & DSGVO

A new episode of our Compass-Gruppe Podcast is online. This time it's about the new rules of lending and the limited possibilities of credit checks due to the DSGVO. Available on all common podcast platforms!

We are only satisfied when our clients benefit from our information.
Hermann Futter
Managing director
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