Reliable information about Austria's businesses  since 1867


Real Estate Compass

Market Review 2024

Together with DataScience Service GmbH, the Real Estate Compass was published, which intelligently compiles and evaluates market-relevant data. This makes transfers of ownership more transparent and previously unrecordable transactions such as share deals traceable.

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Season 1: Real Estate

New Podcast Episode

In the second podcast episode, everything revolves around real estate valuation: how can the value of a property be determined reliably and efficiently? Augustin Studeny (Compass) and Ronald Weberndorfer (DSS) explain the data power behind it and take a look into the future of real estate valuation.

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Compass Law Talks

DORA - what matters?

The Law Talk on March 4 focused on DORA and its far-reaching effects on companies and third-party ICT service providers. Speakers and the audience had a lively discussion about which contractual measures actually contribute to IT security. Missed the Law Talk? Listen to all the photos & the podcast!

Recap Insights
We are only satisfied when our clients benefit from our information.
Hermann Futter
Managing director
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